Saturday, November 13, 2010

is it really meant to be?

I tried to hold on but it's not enough,
I tired to forgive but it's not enough,
to make it all okay.

It's funny how in every relationship, there's always one who cares less and one who cares more.
and sadly, the one who cares less always wins, and I mean always.
It sucks big time, but that's life and we're supposed to suck it all in and deal with it.
So often we find excuses for our partner just to make ourselves feel better. 
Not wanting to accept that they don't deserve our forgiveness. 
Not having any balls or guts to let them go. 
Not wanting to throw everything away because we want it to work really bad. 
Not wanting them to only realize when it's too late.
Every time we think of separating, all the what ifs comes out. 
Filling up your whole head with all what if questions.
What if he really change?
What if he finally realize?
What if he really loves me?
What if he couldn't live without me too?
Even tho knowing it's all bullshit, we still don't wanna face reality.

Life's unfair like that.
In fact, nothing is fair at all. 
Isn't it?

No matter how much we give in, it feels like it's never enough.
You start wondering if the problem is you or it's really just your partner.
People couldn't resist taking others for granted.

Everyone deserves a second chance,
but really, the moment you give a third chance, 
sorry wouldn't mean as much anymore.
How many chances you need to give in order to make a relationship work?

People only realize when it's too late, that's always the case.
So what in the world are we suppose to do to make things right?

till then.