Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I don't know you anymore.

It was never about who was gonna win or lose.
Friendship was supposed to be treasured.
The only reason why friends know dark secrets about each other
is because they have trust for each other.
You tell those darkest secrets of yours out of trust.
Even if it's not a dark secret, any secret will do, it was all out of trust.
The saddest and most disappointing part is when one party decides it's alright
to just flush all of the many years friendship down the toilet bowl,
and then make use of your secrets, your trust,
to go against you and turn their back at you.

Nobody should be condemned in any way.
Even if mistakes were made, it was part of growing,
it was meant to be a lesson learnt.
It is a way of changing into a better person.

You people forgotten how we treasured all of our friendships.
We treasure them more than you can ever imagine and don't betray that.
Dealing with disappointments is tiring,
so stop disappointing people who really cares or at least used to.
Even if this is going to make you laugh or tease,
it actually hurts us to know what you are doing.
Because we don't know you anymore.

Are you happy now?


Andy said...

well said.

Grace Low said...

I know a little bit about this friendship thing. Update me soon ! yumcha ! with yen ;p